Gallery Of Body Painting For Female Concept

The next step is to venture out and visit some local galleries in your area or take a road trip to some galleries of your targeted art market. But, observe the gallery through the eyes of a collector, not as an artist.
  • Watch and see how the staff greats and treats you.
  • Are they courteous and professional?
  • Walk through the gallery and scan the art, look how it is hung and check the lighting.
  • Ask for a price sheet if available.
  • Be sure and get references on the gallery from other artists.
  • Try and visualize your art hanging in the gallery and see how it compares in quality to their other artists.
  • Searching for the right gallery is a process of elimination.
The more galleries you visit and research, the more informed you will be about making the right choice. Now you have a short list of galleries that are a good match and you are ready to approach a gallery. But, remember that a successful gallery with a good reputation gets inundated with dozens of artists' submissions each week. I keep in close contact with the galleries that represent me across the country. They all have stellar reputations and therefore they are flooded with artists' inquiries each week. So how do you make yourself stand out from the crowd?

Check your target gallery website and see if they do have guidelines, follow them (or be a rebel and do it your own way, but you might get shut down). If there are no guidelines then you can try some of the suggestions below:

But, first a bit more about Specific Gallery Requirements:

Some galleries, especially within the high end fine art market have specific submission requirements and policies. Usually artists must submit work for review. This generally means a professional portfolio of at least 10 slides, photos or transparencies or a CD depicting recent works. Always send a self-addressed, stamped envelope or risk never seeing your material again.

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