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Tate Modern Art Gallery is England's national art gallery. Established in the year 2000, it contains international art collections dating from the 1900s. It is a part of the Tate network which includes 4 art galleries. With over 4.5 million visitors every year, this gallery is the world's most visited art gallery. The collections in the gallery are categorized into four groups: 'History/Memory/Society', 'Nude/Action/Body','Landscape/Matter/Environment' and 'Still Life/Object/Real Life'.

In 2006, spaces were allocated in different floors to exhibit special art from the twentieth century. Level 2 exhibits contemporary art collections that are open for visitors for 2-3 months. In level 3, you can find collections based on material gestures, poetry and dream. The paintings look lively depicting human emotions, abstraction and expressions. All temporary exhibitions with admission fees are hosted in level 4. Level 5 displays the works of famous artists based on energy, process and flux. You would definitely find that booking a London Taxi for your trip adds even more ease to your day. Do not rely on other forms of London transport to ensure you arrive at your destination on time.

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